Monday, April 2, 2012

Springtime: fresh-cut flowers and fresh perspectives

Good afternoon faithful readers, and welcome back to Stalking the Job. Now that April is upon us, and with the landscape newly bursting with burgeoning greenery, the time has come for me to begin stepping up my campaign. Tomorrow morning will see the publication of the 8th installment of my webcomic, "The Adventures of That QR Code Guy" (and I know that at least a few of you out there have been looking forward to that, so fear not). Today, however I have something completely different in store for you all. As we've now moved past the client approval stage, here's a copy of the video I recently completed on behalf of Shouldice Media:


Having made hundreds of these sorts of presentations, I can say with sincerity that I rather like this video. It's simple, concise and doesn't sidestep into needlessly complex territory. Were I an aviator, I might just be interested in this app - because it's true, where learning is concerned we're not able to retain an excess of information. Personally, the only surefire way I've found to really take in and retain valuable information is to make use of what I've learned, thereby reinforcing it until it becomes second nature.This is precisely the same way that I've been able to make the most of my preferred forms of graphics software.

Working with Craig Shouldice is and always has been a pleasure. He has a solid grasp of what can reasonably be expected for a presentation on a budget, provides the needed materials in a timely manner, and provides ample time for any and all necessary revisions. Best of all, I can't think of a single occasion where I've had to chase after him for payment...!


While out walking around town on Friday afternoon, a very lovely thing happened. I was making my way west along King Street when a girl (well, a young woman I should say) clutching an armful of fresh-cut daffodils walked right up to me, smiled, and without saying a word inserted one behind the printed panel of my sandwich board. There it remained until I returned home Friday evening, whereupon I diligently put it in a vase with some water - and to my surprise, it kept firm for the rest of the weekend... many thank-yous, mystery flower woman! I think later on this spring I'll have to make a point of wearing a flower on my board. Not only does it add a dash of colour, it livens things up a wee bit - and I think it gave a slightly greater impetus for some people to try scanning the QR code.

Now that I've been at the campaign for awhile (and have amassed sufficient data for Google analytics to make sense of it all), I've made a somewhat shocking discovery: Only 15% of those people who watch my show reel from mobile devices are women! Why that should be the case is a bit of an open question for me, although I certainly have noticed that, on the whole, women seem much less likely than their male counterparts to give it a try. Oddly enough, a bare majority of the women I encounter on the streets of Toronto are actively using their mobile devices for one thing or another (texting, mostly - and to a lesser extent, chatting on the phone or taking photos of their friends)... so perhaps I could find some means whereby I could have greater appeal to the female demographic. If you're reading this and think you have an answer to this quandry, then by all means send it in! Fresh perspectives lead to new strategies, and new strategies are  always welcome where this initiative is concerned.

Have you seen that QR Code Guy?

taken by Vince Vaitekunas, February 2012.
Is this not the face of a trustworthy guy? An interesting guy? A guy with a giant QR code hanging off his shoulders? Well, sure it is. But I'm so much more than that. Just ask sometime and see!

Remember folks - if you've taken a photo of That QR Code Guy in his journeys around Toronto (even if it's a shot from behind), Stalking the Job wants to hear from you!

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