Friday, March 2, 2012

The Carlaw Crawlaround

Good morning faithful readers - and a fine Friday morning it is, here in the ever-expanding metropolis of Toronto. As fine as can be expected given that it's the second day of March. Yesterday saw Stalking the Job take an easterly tilt, crossing the muddy Don river to investigate the goings-on in the Leslieville area. Well, to be fair I kinda sorta had to head east as I had a make-up appointment with my dentist to keep... but as I was in the area, I couldn't help but take a turn or two along Carlaw Avenue.

Carlaw has for many years been a hotbed of studios, production offices, and various creative and/or artistic people so I'd had some hopes that I might encounter some potentially-interested parties in my wanderings - and I was not disappointed! In one or two cases, I unknowingly prompted people to come dashing outside into the cold to get a handle on just what I was doing.

Like many areas of the city, Carlaw is also seeing no small amount of redevelopment. There are a number of construction sites, most apparently building condominium towers, which of course will eventually change the character of the avenue - just as they're changing the character of much of downtown.

Oh, and before I forget, let me take this opportunity to apologize to the two fellows who practically had to run to catch up with me for the chance to scan my code while walking north on Broadview earlier in the day. I'd realized I was cutting things a wee bit short on my way to the dentist's office (and was therefore walking almost three times as fast as I would normally). My long-standing personal policy is that I'll "always stand for a scan", so of course I had to oblige - though I'd have enjoyed a chance to answer any questions you might've had. Let's just call it a raincheck for now!

And yes, to the fellow at Queen and Carlaw who commended me for the cardiovascular aspect of the initiative, I've been finding the muscles all throughout my legs have strengthened noticeably since I began doing this a month ago. As my feet are now an important part of my campaign, when I find myself needing to be somewhere, my inclination is to forego the TTC altogether. It's not just less expensive to be a pedestrian - it helps keep me visible (not to mention helping to keep me fit). Anyways folks... I'll see you around!

Have you seen That QR Code Guy?

I'm pleased to report that I have already received a response to this question in the form of a photo. This was taken yesterday afternoon along Carlaw Avenue in Toronto, just after my dental checkup. And I'm happy to mention there's not a single cavity in that winning smile, folks!
Thank you @memeboy and the lovely Senia (sp?)
Again, if you're one of the many who've snapped a photo of That QR Code Guy, Stalking the Job wants to hear from you!

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