Tuesday, February 7, 2012

At Liberty in Liberty Village

I just got back a while ago from clomping and tromping around in the city's west end. If you were at or around the vicinity of Liberty & Pardee, you might very well have seen me shivering away in the cold. I say 'cold' because if you weren't managing to stand in the direct sunlight, the constant breeze was enough to penetrate to the bone. It was with great relief  that my good friend Todd Ivey drove by and took some pity. Together we absconded to a nearby eatery where I warmed up with a bowl of hot poutine and a cup of coffee.

Earlier in the day I crossed paths with a "Professor of Marketing" who seemed quite taken with my one-man guerilla marketing scheme. No word back as yet from the fellow I spoke to yesterday from the CBC - and the Globe remains seemingly impenetrable. I did return to the Toronto Star, but as I noticed the Occupy  trailer was (still) parked outside the building I didn't linger overlong. I wish someone would move that frickin' thing already... as I wrote in a previous installment of Stalking the Job, it's hard enough getting people to scan a QR code without them making intuitive (if incorrect) leaps as to what you're most likely all about.

And while I am ostensibly supportive of the Occupy movement, what I'm all about is changing my status - from being (unhappily) unemployed to being someone's valued employee. I've got the skill, the experience, the passion and the initiative to make a change for the better...  whether for myself or for the fortunes of a prospective employer.

For now however, no amount of cold breezes or chilled bones will deter me. I remain undaunted by the elements.  That being said I  would not object to a few more unseasonably warm days.

For Stalking the Job this is John Currie (that QR code guy) signing off. And if you're keeping an eye out for me, well - I'll see you around.

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